Project Description


The future of TV content consumption is becoming less based on traditional channel schedules as users become more accustomed to watching content when and where they want. NPTV was a new cloud-based television platform launching into the UK and the in Simple TV app was designed around the concept of personal discovery based on a tool to give more emphasis on relevance and social recommendation, rather than having a traditional channel and line up structure of TV browsing.

Enhanced search and recommendation engines are key to delivering relevant content. The use of more prominent contextual menus within the content information screen should allow the user to browse and discover new content based on the context they are watching, liking and sharing.

Our areas of work would cover during the design phase for the Simple TV app included:

  • Search

• Introduction of enhanced search for programme titles as well as actors and presenters.
• Display of responsive search results pushing users to relevant content quickly after minimal text input.
• Stronger meta-data support for search and recommendations

  • Discovery

• An interface that replaces “Dashboard” that focused more on discovery based on content rather than time/channel and pushes recommended/featured and popular content.
• Discovery of content more through a category and genres.
• LIVE status and TV schedule less important.

  • Contextual Content

• Related/recommended content when a show ends.
• Related content is more prominent as well as more visually enticing and easily to navigate.

Mapping user journeys