After cutting the side vetns, next was the pedal box hole. This was a little more fiddly due to its position at the end of the foot well. Again the position for the hole was marked into the glass fibre body, so using this as a guide, we got to work marking it up using masking tape.

TIP… Next, and importantly, use a second line of masking tape to mark the hole approximately 1cm inside the original line. This will allow a small lip behind the peddle box that can be sealed cleanly when you fit the peddle box and master cylinder.

Once all marked up we drilled the corners, then using a small saw, cut around the edges marked by the second line of masking tape.

Other extras we might consider.

Once again after inspecting some of the beautiful 289 Register members cars at the Silverstone show, we have decided what we might do is wield an extra metal flange around the pedal box unit for extra support. More on this later.